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Monte Cook Games

Cypher System Rpg Starter Set

- Monte Cook Games

65 $38.00
Reader Reward Price: $34.20

Gather your friends, open this box, and begin playing right away! The Cypher System is easy to learn and fun to play—and this is the perfect set for getting started. The Cypher System Starter Set includes the game rules in an easy-to-learn format, along with pregenerated characters and several adventures. A fun, easy, and inexpensive way to learn the game.

Numenera Ninth World Bestiary 2

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $52.00
Reader Reward Price: $46.80

The Numenera setting comes to life with 170 new creatures! The Ninth World is unlike any other fantasy setting: weird, imaginative, dangerous, and often a bit creepy. The creatures of the Numenera setting are no different—and the Ninth World Bestiary 2 gives you 170 new ones to populate your campaign. Lavishly illustrated, wildly imaginative, and cleverly organized to make the GM’s job as easy as possible, Ninth World Bestiary 2 gives you great GM advice on using pre-made creatures as well as creating your own, and includes lots of additional details about the Ninth World’s complex far-future, post-apocalyptic ecology. Ninth World parasites, transdimensional creatures, mechanical automatons, extraterrestrials, and loads and loads of creatures for characters to face and fight are just the beginning in the weird and wonderful setting of Numenera. Following the release of Torment: Tides of Numenera in February, the Numenera: Strand short film, and Cypher Play organized play, Numenera is HOT HOT HOT. Got customers buying the Numenera Starter Set? They’re going to be looking for new purchases as they launch their Numenera campaigns. Monster books are always popular—expect this to be a best-selling supplement and an evergreen title for the life of the line.

Numenera Rpg Ninth World Bestiary

- Monte Cook Games

Games & Puzzles $48.00
Reader Reward Price: $43.20

This 160-page full-color hardcover creature book features creatures and some unique characters to use in Numenera games.

Numenera Building Tomorrow

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $54.00
Reader Reward Price: $48.60

Terrible beasts. The iron wind. Unpredictable ancient machines. The Ninth World is awash in dangers left by the prior worlds. But these ancient remnants also hold the keys to the future. Those brave enough to explore the amazing structures, weird devices, inscrutable automatons, and extradimensional gateways of the prior worlds can unearth the knowledge and materials to build the future. Discover new kinds of Numenera items, along with the plans and materials to construct them yourself. Explore the ruins of the prior worlds, uncover their mysteries, and from their secrets begin to build a new tomorrow for the beleaguered people of the Ninth World.

Beasts of Flesh & Steel 5e Sou

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $56.00
Reader Reward Price: $50.40

Scores of weird and wondrous science-fantasy encounters for your 5e game The lacaric courier singlemindedly delivers strange devices to ancient ruins, sometimes traveling great distances and facing incredible hardships to do so. Why? What’s the significance of the cargo or destination? Nobody knows—but don’t get in its way! Like a hermit crab seeking out empty shells, the kalyptein crab lives in ancient devices. It often gains unexpected and powerful abilities from its home, making it an unpredictable foe. The silvery liquid namnesis communicates by swapping memories—literally stealing those of its target while implanting its own startling thoughts. It changes form rapidly, even splitting into multiple attackers, and can sometimes steal a character’s abilities to use against them... Add an element of the truly unexpected to your Fifth Edition game with this fantastic assortment of science-fantasy creatures born in the Ninth World—the award-winning, critically acclaimed setting created by legendary game designer Monte Cook. 140 incredible creatures that blend fantasy and science fiction elements. A standalone bestiary compatible with any 5e game. A fantastic companion to Arcana of the Ancients and Beneath the Monolith. Gamers who are into those titles will really dig this book! (But they aren’t necessary to use this one.) Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, and Sean K. Reynolds are all legendary names to your D&D audience!

Cypher System Rulebook 2e

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $87.00
Reader Reward Price: $78.30

Any character, any campaign. If you can imagine it, the Cypher System makes it easy!

The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed game engine that powers any campaign in any genre. You may have heard of it as the system that drives the award-winning Numenera roleplaying game. Lauded for its elegance, ease of use, flexibility, and narrative focus, the Cypher System unleashes the creativity of GMs and players with intuitive character creation, fast-paced gameplay, and a uniquely GM-friendly design.

The Cypher System is easy for beginners to learn, but offers all the depth, nuance, and complexity you want. Some people call it a “rules-light” system, but it has the power and sophistication of games that are much more mechanically heavy—and yet it is substantially more flexible. GMs find the game easy to prep for and easy to run—it frees up the GM’s attention, in prep and at the game table, to focus on cool, creative ideas rather than numbers, mechanics, and “crunch.”

Cypher System characters are built from the concept up. A descriptive sentence provides not just an easily-understood overview of the character, but also the mechanical basis for skills, abilities, and stats. And the Cypher System gives players amazing narrative engagement, rewarding player-driven subplots and giving players resources to bear on the tasks and situations they most want to succeed at.

Numenera 2 Players Guide

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $25.00
Reader Reward Price: $22.50

Create characters, explore the setting, and learn the rules in this inexpensive second copy of key rules and setting material. This 64-page softcover delivers a taste of the game and gives you an extra copy of key material for the gaming table.

Numenera Destiny

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $69.00
Reader Reward Price: $62.10

Numenera is a game in which player characters explore the ruins of aeons past to gather amazing treasures and help build a new future for a world struggling in darkness. Since the launch of Numenera in 2013, we have delivered well on the first part, but we’ve always wanted to do a more thorough job exploring that second part. That desire has led us to Numenera 2 and a Kickstarter campaign. Through the Kickstarter we’re going to replace the existing corebook with two new corebooks. The first is called Numenera Discovery and the second Numenera Destiny. As excited as we are about Numenera Discovery, we may be even more excited about Numenera Destiny. This title will enable characters to truly become a part of the setting—to help shape the future of the Ninth World. The people of the Ninth World are locked in a medieval-like state, a world of struggle and danger and often suffering in the shadow of the prior worlds’ wonders. Numenera Destiny allows you to build adventures and campaigns in which players don’t just explore the wonders of the past—they utilize them to help lift the Ninth World out of darkness. You can make the world a better place. Help a community defend itself from abhumans or the iron wind. Create centers of learning or trade. Innovate, build, and protect. Manage an entire community and help it prosper and grow—or simply create a cool base or vehicle for your adventuring group. Numenera Destiny will allow you to take what you discover and make your mark on history as someone who elevated the Ninth World into the future. Adventuring—exploring the weird and wondrous remnants of the prior worlds—remains, of course, at the core of Numenera play. Numenera Destiny will give you new things to do with your discoveries, along with entirely new and epic ways to structure your campaigns. You’ll discover materials, power sources, and treasures that you can utilize in an entirely new, robust crafting and building system. And perhaps best of all, Numenera Destiny will offer three new character types and a number of new descriptors and foci geared toward this innovative style of play.

Numenera Discovery

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $72.00
Reader Reward Price: $64.80

Numenera is a game in which player characters explore the ruins of aeons past to gather amazing treasures and help build a new future for a world struggling in darkness. Since the launch of Numenera in 2013, we have delivered well on the first part, but we’ve always wanted to do a more thorough job exploring that second part. That desire has led us to Numenera 2 and a Kickstarter campaign. Through the Kickstarter we’re going to replace the existing corebook with two new corebooks. The first is called Numenera Discovery and the second Numenera Destiny. Numenera Discovery will be a book that covers familiar territory; it is basically a revision of the original Numenera corebook. Next summer, we will allow the original corebook to go out of print, and Numenera Discovery will take its place. In Numenera Discovery, you’ll get some revisions to make things clearer and more fun, and to increase the options available to players. Nanos, Jacks, and Glaives will get an overhaul. Many foci and some of the descriptors might see some reworking. You’ll have more options, clearer rules, and perhaps a bit of expansion to the regions of the Steadfast and the Beyond that are covered in the existing corebook. But Numenera Discovery is not a new edition. We will make virtually no changes to the way the game plays mechanically—and none of those changes affect the way NPCs, creatures, or items like cyphers or artifacts work. We also won’t be making changes to the setting. So if you already play Numenera, your bestiaries, adventures, card decks, character portfolios, and books like Into the Night, Technology Compendium, and Jade Colossus will not be affected by these changes. We will not issue any “second editions” of the existing supporting titles—and if you choose not to get Numenera Discovery, future Numenera supplements will work fine with your existing Numenera corebook. Your ongoing campaign will flow smoothly through the change in corebooks. You will even be able to mix existing characters with those from Numenera Discovery into your game. In fact, the game can be played with both the existing corebook and Numenera Discovery in use at the same game table!

Numenera Jade Colossus

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $46.00
Reader Reward Price: $41.40

Mysterious, powerful, and usually dangerous, the vast ruins of the prior worlds are the defining feature of the Numenera setting. The secrets and wonders they contain are a siren call to characters from across the Ninth World—and to GMs and gamers drawn in by Numenera’s unique sense of mystery and spectacle. Jade Colossus: Ruins of the Prior Worlds explores in detail one such ruin, and provides in-depth content for creating endless weird and wonderful sites of your own invention. Run an entire campaign around the Jade Colossus, use the site for one or a handful of adventures in your existing campaign, or use this book to create dozens of other prior world sites, building an amazing campaign filled with imagination and wonder unlike any other RPG. A great launching point for a brand-new campaign, with content tailored for characters and parties starting at the Jade Colossus. Or easily integrate the ruins, and the fully realized nearby city of Ballarad, into an ongoing campaign. The Numenera Ruin Mapping Engine makes it easy to create an infinite array of prior world sites ripe for adventure—with all the mystery and weirdness of the Ninth World baked right in! If you have players getting into Numenera via the Numenera Starter Set, Cypher Play organized play program, or Torment: Tides of Numenera, this is a great product for them to launch new campaigns!

Numenera 9th World Bestiary 3

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $52.00
Reader Reward Price: $46.80

130 new creatures as dangerous as they are interesting and imaginative. For a billion years this Earth has teemed with life. Nature has cafted innumerable species-and thousands more have been shaped by the prior worlds. There is no end, it seems, to the variety of life to be encountered in the Ninth World. And all of it is interesting, usually weird, sometimes creepy-and often very, very dangerous. This lavishly illustrated tome brings over 130 new Ninth World creatures to life. Innovative features such as size comparison diagrams, one-creature-per-page layout, and heavuy cross-referencing make this book a joy to use-at the game table or while prepping your adventures. And it includes encounter tables featuring creatures from the Numnera Discovery and Numenera Destiny corebooks, plus all three Ninth World Bestiaries, making it easy to look up creatures from every major source. Who doesn't love a good monster book? Expect this to be an evergreen title. Stunning illustrations make it a page flipper and a great sales tool for the Numenera line. Loads of great features beyond the many monsters: companion creatures, domesticated creatures, wild animals, megafauna, and NPCs. Plus comprehensive encounter tables including creatures from all the corebooks and bestiaries to date. Includes a huge double-sided poster map-free!   Format: 192-page hardcover with poster map

Numenera Rpg Starter Set

- Monte Cook Games

Games & Puzzles $32.00
Reader Reward Price: $28.80

Convert massive interest into massive sales with the Numenera Starter Set! Interest in Numenera is going to be huge this fall and into 2017. How can you convert this into sales–and then drive sales for the corebook and full RPG line? With the Numenera Starter Set. The prefect intro to the Ninth World and the Numenera RPG, the Numenera Starter Set has everything needed to play your first few sessions—at a price that makes it easy to try! Where do your customers go from there? The Numenera Starter Set seemlessly guides players to the Numenera corebook, and the rest of the RPG line, for continued play. It’s an excellent tool to build a vibrant community of Numenera customers in your store, just in time for all the interest! Contains everything needed for a great Numenera experience: pregenerated characters, basic dice, a poster map, introductory rules, two adventures, cards, and a cheat sheet. In time for Numenera Organized Play, Numenera novels hitting Barnes & Noble and Amazon, The Ninth World board game, the Numenera short film, and of course, the hit CRPG Torment: Tides of Numenera. Great price point makes this an easy initial purchase. Smoothly drives purchasers into the full RPG line. The Numenera brand is going exciting places in the months to come. Don’t miss out on the excitement—or the sales!

Numenera Technology Compendium

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $48.00
Reader Reward Price: $43.20

Sir Arthour’s Guide to the Numenera The namesake of the entire game line, the "numenera" are artifacts, oddities, and little bits of almost magic-like technology left to the Ninth World by a billion years of previous civilizations. Now the Ninth World’s foremost expert, the redoubtable (though perhaps not entirely sane) Sir Arthour, brings nearly 1,000 new items to the Numenera gaming table! The Technology Compendium: Sir Arthour’s Guide to the Numenera contains 400 new cyphers, 225 new artifacts, and 300 new oddities. For the players, it introduces a new race: the artificial intelligence. And it includes extensive GM advice on integrating incredibly advanced technologies into your game. Technology items come and go frequently in a Numenera campaign, so players are always hungry for more. And it’s an equipment book. Let’s face it: They always sell well! The Numenera game line is on a roll—make the most of it with this solidly-priced hardcover your players are going to love.

Old Gods of Appalachia Rpg

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $87.00
Reader Reward Price: $78.30

Gather Round, Family…   In the mountains of central Appalachia, blood runs as deep as these hollers and just as dark. Since before our kind wandered into these hills, hearts of unknowable hunger and madness have slumbered beneath them. These are the oldest mountains in the world. How dare we think we can break the skin of a god and dig out its heart without also calling blood and darkness?   The Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game delves into the Alternate Appalachia of the award-winning, ultra-popular horror podcast. This world’s unique take on cosmic horror is personal and intimate, and heavily steeped in atmosphere— and the RPG gives you everything you need to run immersive, narrative, and deeply chilling games.   ♦ A “Most-Anticipated RPG of 2023”—, EN World, CBR, geeknative, and tens of thousands of gamers! ♦ A complete, standalone game with everything you need to play. ♦ The enormously popular Old Gods of Appalachia fiction podcast has zillions of dedicated fans— particularly among gamers. ♦ This beautiful hardcover is loaded with detailed lore and stunning, evocative art. ♦ Powered by the flexible, narrative, easy-to-learn Cypher System, which has continues to skyrocket in popularity!   416- page hardcover

Weird Rpg

- Monte Cook Games

Hardcover $66.00
Reader Reward Price: $59.40

So how do you make another room full of orcs, another space station full of aliens, or another dark cult really special? How do you make every game session truly new and memorable—a moment of real discovery and imagination? You make it weird. The Weird helps you make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun—no matter what game you’re playing.

This is a selection of our current Monte Cook Games titles. To find other titles or authors, or just to browse, please use the search box.

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