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Mongoose Publishing

Paranoia Rpg Acute Paranoia Box Set

- Mongoose Publishing

Games & Puzzles $58.00
Reader Reward Price: $52.20

Welcome to Acute Paranoia! This massive upgrade to Paranoia gives you new ways to play and enjoy the darkly humorous Paranoia experience. You know, the one where everyone accuses each other of treason and characters die repeatedly but everybody laughs and has a great time? Play bot Troubleshooters with buggy software. Learn how to get away with treason. Mostly. Use your health insurance for discounted (and mandatory) prescriptions. And even more rules to forget until they get your character executed. Make players regret choosing bot Troubleshooters. Blame the rules for your imperious judgments with randomized tables. Tips for getting players to turn on themselves repeatedly. And even more capricious rules to punish boring players.  Yes. We are way too generous. but... there’s extra more!

Paranoia Rpg Core Bk

- Mongoose Publishing

Hardcover $63.00
Reader Reward Price: $56.70

Many roleplaying games have rules that are applied objectively so players can help each other do heroic things like saving yet another kingdom, fighting more orcs, or something else that has been done repeatedly in other RPGs. That is not this game. This is the Paranoia roleplaying game. This is one of those rulebooks that’s fun to read and even more fun to play. Paranoia does not take itself seriously, so we can find dark humour in bureaucracy, politics, businesses, and a lot more. No sacred cows but one–make sure the GM and players are all having a great time. Is that not refreshing for a roleplaying game? Maybe that is why this science fiction RPG has won lots of awards over the years. In this darkly humorous roleplaying game, The Computer loves you but it is insane happy. You will be sent on impossible glamorous missions filled with Catch-22s fun and satire safety. Your teammates are out to kill support you, and you are out to kill protect them. All in all, your missions will be dangerous entertaining and you will likely die to be promoted. And here it is, a brand-new edition for the modern world. Surely there is nothing happening these days worthy of satire, right?

Paranoia Rpg Mission Book Hole Blame

- Mongoose Publishing

Games & Puzzles $24.00
Reader Reward Price: $21.60

R&D is in deep trouble. There is a slim but real chance The Computer will disband R&D entirely and redistribute its resources to other service groups. But you are not part of R&D, so that is not your problem, right? Troubleshooters! Citizens in TRK Sector report that many small items have mysteriously disappeared. This is clearly the work of that notorious thief the Small Item Bandit! (Name pending approval by the Ad-hoc Workshop for Marketable Traitor Nicknames.) That is why you have to go there, arrest the Small Item Bandit and recover what they stole. And yes, we are absolutely, 100% sure the missing items never got sucked past the event horizon of the black hole sitting right over there. On a related note, there is no black hole
right over there. Understood, citizen?

The Hole Blame is a mission for Paranoia and the third (of four) in the Project Infinite Hole campaign. (Owning and playing the previous missions is not required but is a rather good idea.) Players and GMs alike with love a frankenstein Briefbot, an active Public Hating Square and up to eight in-mission mini-missions that trick the team into getting Friend Computer to finally recognize that large singularity – even though not a single citizen admits that it is right over there. Hey, if no one says it exists, do you want to be the one pointing it out to Friend Computer?

Paranoia Rpg Project Infinite Hole Box Set

- Mongoose Publishing

Games & Puzzles $72.00
Reader Reward Price: $64.80

Troubleshooters! Do you like weird, risky experiments? (Yes!) Do you like testing devices that could leave behind a smoking crater if you use it wrong? (Uh, yes?) Do you like taking the blame for design mistakes, production errors, structural damage and enough deaths that genocide-ish is now a term? (Can I say anything other than yes? Ah, that laser pistol answered my question. Very yes!)

Project Infiinite Hole brings the wonder, broken laws of physics and lapse safety standards of Research & Design back to Paranoia! Instead of simply sending Troubleshooters to their much-deserved deaths, you can also send experimental devices with them that help their much-deserved deaths happen more often! Inside, you will find: The Happy Testing Catalogue: New Paranoia GMs will see 40 new experimental devices such as Fluffy Safety Armour and the Jaws of Death. Experienced Paranoia GMs will see many splendid ways to make players weep. With joy? Sure, why not. The GM R&D Service Book: Several fine articles explaining how to use R&D in your missions that definitely are not filler so we could charge more for this sourcebox. Need an NPC? Here they are! Need a Research & Design room? We got those! Need a way to help Troubleshooters survive? Sorry, fresh out. The R&D Mission Book: But what about those lazy GMs who want the work done for them? If they can put the imitation cheese-powdered snacks down long enough, they will find two full missions that start the Project Infinite Hole campaign! Oh, and there’s a black hole destroying all you know and love (In the missions, not this sourcebox. Apparently, governments frown on selling singularities in cardboard boxes.) The R&D Deck: You want cards? Tough, here are 120 of ‘em, ready to be handed out to players who think they’re all clever. Watch their faces go from devilish glee to abject fright as they realise how the device can backfire. Literally.

R&D stands for many things: Rebar & Dust, Radiation & Debacles or even Rannygazoo & Deprehend. (What? Famous Game Designers have good vocabularies.) But mostly, it stands for one of the most infamous Alpha Complex service groups: Research & Design. With this sourcebox, GMs have everything needed to bring R&D back into the Troubleshooters’ lives. Yes, they will be grateful – or they get to test the Angry Beebots again.

Paranoia Rpg Starter Set Red Clearance

- Mongoose Publshing

Games & Puzzles $61.00
Reader Reward Price: $54.90

Welcome to Alpha Complex! Welcome to the ranks of the Troubleshooters! Welcome to Paranoia! As a Troubleshooter, you are a member of Alpha Complex’s most expendable elite force. Tasked with finding trouble and shooting it, you will be hunting mutants, terrorists, traitors, [CLASSIFIED], secret societies, renegade bots, and DAIVs, which are [REDACTED]. You’ll save Alpha Complex from its greatest threat, unless you accidentally become Alpha Complex’s greatest threat. Completely rebuilt from the ground up, Paranoia is the classic RPG of a darkly humorous future, rebooted for a humorously dark present. All-new mechanics include a simple yet brilliant character-generation system, a bluffing-based card-driven combat system that encourages creativity, clever moves and lying, a special Computer Dice which means even the simplest interaction can become hilariously fatal, in-game XP point rewards, and more advice to GMs than you can shake a stick at. Three single-session adventures introduce you painlessly to the new mechanics and background, and are designed to be played straight out of the box. Everything is the same but everything is different. You look worried, citizen. Relax! It’s still Paranoia. The year is still 214. You still have six clones and a laser pistol. The Computer is still your friend.

Paranoia Rpg Yellow Clearance

- Mongoose Publishing

Games & Puzzles $58.00
Reader Reward Price: $52.20

You are YELLOW Clearance! Congratulations! The original Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues – revised, updated… Remastered! One of the most famous missions in Troubleshooter history has returned to enhance the lives of a new generation of clones. Once more Troubleshooters can pursue the elusive Black Box, explore Outdoors, and bring peace and security to Alpha Complex. We can’t tell you what this adventure is about (except that lots of confused and desperate people are killing each other over a mysterious Black Box), but we can tell you what it (the mission, we mean, not the box). This set contains : Track 1: Bop ‘til You Drop; Track 2: I Was a Mutant for the FBI; Track 3: No-One Gets Out of Here Alive; Track 4: Why Don’t We Do It In The Road; 8 Unique Equipment Cards; 8 New Action Cards; 3 Two-Sided Map Cards. Why worry when we can Rock?

Traveller Rpg Core Rulebook Up

- Mongoose Publishing

Hardcover $70.00
Reader Reward Price: $63.00

This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone… Mayday, Mayday… We are under attack… Main drive is gone… Turret number one not responding… Mayday… Losing cabin pressure fast, calling anyone… Please help… This is Free Trader Beowulf… …Mayday… Fully Updated and Revised. Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of bold explorers and brave adventurers. The Traveller Core Rulebook contains everything you need to create one of these adventures and begin exploring the galaxy. Spaceports, ancient civilisations, air/rafts, cold steel blades, laser carbines, far distant worlds, and exotic alien beasts – this is the futuristic universe of Traveller, the original and classic science fiction roleplaying game. Come visit the far future.

Traveller Rpg Explorer's Ed

- Mongoose

Trade paperback $32.00
Reader Reward Price: $28.80

Traveller is the science fiction roleplaying game of the far future. The Traveller Explorers’ Edition is an introduction to the game for newcomers that provides all of the tools you need to create adventures or even an entire campaign. Create bold scouts and intrepid scientists who travel into the unknown aboard their trusty Type-S Scout/Courier, a rugged exploration ship perfect for the job. Dock your ship at advanced starports, visit strange worlds, encounter alien beings and animals, and take on the challenges that the galaxy sets before you. The Explorer’s Edition provides all core game rules for Traveller, plus a universe creation system that allows referees to create new star systems on the fly for their players to visit and explore… The universe awaits. Welcome to Traveller!

This is a selection of our current Mongoose Publishing titles. To find other titles or authors, or just to browse, please use the search box.

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