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Oink Games

Souvenirs From Venice Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $28.00
Reader Reward Price: $25.20

Souvenir shopping is a battle against time. "Souvenirs from Venice" is a board game where you roll dice and move your gondola through the city of Venice looking for souvenirs. From out of the 6 different types, you want to buy and take home the rarest ones, but you need to collect enough for 3 people. However, if you don't make it back to the airport before all of the tiles are flipped over, time's up, and the plane takes off. And that's when the pigeon feed seller comes out of nowhere and throws a wrench in your plans! Featuring rules that are great for a wide range of ages, explore the canals of Venice in this speedy, yet challenging game! Roll the dice and move your gondola through the tiles spread out on the table. You can buy souvenirs from the nearby tiles. The tiles will be easier to collect as they gradually turn face up, but you need to return to the airport before everything gets flipped over! The 6 kinds of souvenirs that you can buy in Venice are "Ventian Glass", "Ventian Mask", "Leather Goods", "Gondolier Shirt", "Squid Ink Pasta", and "Fridge Magnet". These souvenirs must be collected in sets of 3 or else you wont earn any points. It's tricky because there are fewer high value souvenirs so they are difficult to collect. Within those tiles, if you flip over "The Pigeon Feed Seller", you need to trade one of the souvenirs that you carefully selected to the player next to you...! Whether you decide to try and anticipate his appearance or rush to the airport, the strategies of the player's will surely create some drama! By lining up the tiles, you can create the city of Venice. On the back side of the tiles are various charming souvenirs such as "Venetian glass" and "squid ink pasta". It also contains many exciting components like a special dice and gondola-shaped wooded pieces. Number of Players: 2-5
Playing Time: 30 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 8+

Moving Wild Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

Developing a national park is no small feat. Some animals have begun their migration, going around and around in search of a new place to live. Hippos that love both water and land. Huge elephants. And bears that just want to be left alone. "Uhhhh," you can't help but growl as the cards go around. You want to secure the perfect spot, but should you choose a location or an animal first? Take one card at a time and pass the rest around in this "drafting" style game. Match just the right animals with just the right locations and create the most harmonious national park ever! Contents: 96 Cards 76 Chips Game manual   Number of Players: 1-6 Playing Time: 20 Minutes Recommended Ages: 8+

9 Tiles Panic Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $47.00
Reader Reward Price: $42.30

Race to create your town to the best of your ability as the conditions keep changing. Just completing the town is easy enough, but quickly satisfying all the conditions is enough to make your brain go crazy. From kids to adults, Nine Tiles Panic is a speedy and exciting puzzle game for everyone!   In Nine Tiles Panic, each player has a set of nine double-sided town tiles.   At the start of a round, three scoring cards are revealed, such as most aliens on a single road, most dogs visible, or longest road. All player then race to assemble their town in whatever pattern seems best, trying to score points for one, two, or three of the scoring cards as they wish. As soon as the first player decides that they're done, they flip the sand timer and everyone else has 90 seconds to complete their town, then players determine who scores for which cards, with ties being broken in favor of whoever finished first. Players score points based on the number of players in the game, and players track their score on a chart over multiple rounds.   Number of Players: 2-5
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 7+

Deep Sea Adventure Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

A group of poor explorers hoping to get rich quickly heads out to recover treasures from some undersea ruins. They're all rivals, but their budgets force them all to share a single rented submarine. In the rented submarine, they all have to share a single tank of air, as well. If they don't get back to the sub before they run out of air, they'll drop all their treasure. Now it's time to see who can bring home the greatest riches.   Game Objective
The game takes place over 3 rounds, and the player to gain the most points over the 3 rounds is the winner. In order to gain points, you must bring the most ruins chips back to the submarine. You can only return to the submarine once per round, and you cannot progress more after returning. You cannot return to the submarine without bringing any ruins chips.   Turn Progression
On their turns, players conduct steps 1-4 listed below. Players take turns, going clockwise around the board, and the round ends when all players have returned to the submarine, or if the air runs out at the beginning of someone's turn.   1) Declare if you will turn back or not.
2) Reduce air.
3) Roll the dice and advance your game piece.
4) Search. (When you have stopped moving, select one of A-C below)
A) Do nothing.
B) Pick up ruins chip.
C) Place a ruins chip.     Number of Players: 2-6
Playing Time: 30 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 8+

Dropolter Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

Your hand is always full in DroPolter, which makes it a challenge to drop only the correct items that the ghosts want to see.   To start the game, each player has a hand of five items: a red plastic cube, a blue wooden key, and so on. Each round, someone flips the top card of the deck, then players race to drop only the correct items from their hand. If you drop something you shouldn't, you're out for the round. If you're the first player who drops everything correctly, congratulations! You're rewarded with a tiny bell...that is placed in your hand and cannot be dropped in the future.   The first player who collects five bells wins.   Number of Players: 2-5 Playing Time: 20 Minutes Recommended Ages: 6+

Durian Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $27.00
Reader Reward Price: $24.30

Today the jungle fruit shop is busy and bustling once again. The shop's clerks, having too much to do, have started helping customers without checking the new inventory that has arrived. Even though they haven't checked the inventory, surely the other staff members have checked them already. But during all the excitement they ended up taking too many orders... When that happens, if someone rings the bell the shop manager gorilla will rush out of their office. If they find out about the over-sold orders......oh, it's too scary to think about! Watch out for the 3 gorilla siblings that are hanging around waiting to cause trouble!

Fafnir Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $26.00
Reader Reward Price: $23.40

The chicken "Fafnir" lays two new gems each day, and all the players want to acquire these gems on the off chance that they'll be more valuable than the gems they already hold. Whoever throws away the most gems in a round acquires these two newest gems — but you can't throw away the colors of the gems that Fafnir just laid! No chicken will be impressed by you shaming the gems that you're also trying to acquire! Once a certain number of stones have been discarded in Fafnir, the round ends, and everyone scores for the gems that they've collected. Gold is worth 1 point each no matter how many have been collected, so go for gold if you want to play it safe. As for the five colors of gems, whichever one appears most frequently is worth 3 points each, while the second most frequent color gem is worth 2 points each, and all other gems are worth -1 point each.   Number of Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 9+

Fake Artist Goes To New York Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

A Fake Artist Goes to New York is a party game for 5-10 players. Players take turns being the Question Master, whose role is to set a category, write a word within that category on dry erase cards, and hand those out to other players as artists. At the same time, one player will have only an "X" written on his card. He is the fake artist! Players will then go around the table twice, drawing one contiguous stroke each on a paper to draw the word established by the Question Master, then guess who the fake artist is. If the fake artist is not caught, both the fake artist and the Question Master earn points; if the fake artist is caught and cannot guess what the word is, the artists earn points.   Number of Players: 5-10
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 8+

Flotsam Fight Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

I hope your stuff sinks! A group of explorers sailed around the world amassing a mountain of treasure. But on the voyage home they were hit by a massive storm! The ship and all its treasure are going down! The explorers began to feverishly load their treasure into the lifeboat. You may want to save  your treasure, but the other explorers will be trying to save theirs too. Which treasure should you load into which boat? You must plan your moves carefully. While skillfully determining which cards are easier to load than others, can you defeat your fellow explorers and save your treasure? Contents: 64 Treasure Cards 8 Boat Chips 9 Score Counters 6 Summary Cards 1 Game Manual   Number of Players: 2-6
Playing Time: 30 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 8+

Hey Yo Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $27.00
Reader Reward Price: $24.30

In Hey Yo: The Card Game to the Beat, you all play cards to a shared music chart so that you can ideally create solid rhythms and score points. The game includes a small dedicated device that you can use to accompany the gameplay, with players needing to play a card when the music indicates this. If you can't play in time to the rhythm, you're penalized, so you must talk quickly to share information and decide which cards to play. (Alternatively, you can play music of your choice to set the rhythm of play for the game.)   Hey Yo includes two identical decks of cards, so instead of playing a co-operative game with 2-5 players, you can have 4-10 players split into teams to compete against one another.   Number of Players: 2-10 Playing Time: 15 Minutes Recommended Ages: 8+

In A Grove Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $28.00
Reader Reward Price: $25.20

In a Grove — a.k.a. Yabunonaka, and Hattari — is a game of bluffing and deduction, and the player who makes too many false accusations loses the game.   The game is played in rounds. Each round, each player receives one of the eight silhouettes (which are numbered 2-8 with one blank), while three silhouettes are placed in the center of the table as suspects and the final silhouette is dubbed the victim. (With three players, the #2 is removed from the game.) You have to determine which suspect is the culprit, either to accuse him or to lure the other players into accusing someone who's innocent!   All players secretly look at their silhouettes, then pass them right, then look at the new silhouette they received. The first player of the round secretly looks at two of the three suspects, optionally swapping the victim for one of these suspects. This player then places a colored accusation marker below one of the suspects. The next player looks at the two suspects not just marked with an accusation marker, then places a colored accusation marker of their own, covering any markers already beneath that suspect. This continues until all four players have placed an accusation marker, with each player not being allowed to look at the suspect just accused.   The round ends, and players reveal the suspects. Who's the culprit? The suspect bearing the highest number – except if the #5 is among the suspects, in which case the suspect with the lowest number is guilty. (The suspect with no number is always innocent.) Anyone who has accused the correct suspect receives their accusation marker back. Any markers incorrectly placed are flipped colored-side down and given to the player who owns the marker on top of the stack. The first player token rotates clockwise, then a new round begins.   At the end of a turn if a player has eight or more tokens — or has no tokens — then the game ends, and that player loses.   Contents: 9 Plastic Person Tiles 1 First on the Scene Marker 35 Detective Chips 1 Unseen Marker Game Manual (JP/EN)   Number of Players: 2-5 Playing Time: 20 Minutes Recommended Ages: 9+

Insider Game

- Oink Games

Games & Puzzles $28.00
Reader Reward Price: $25.20

Do we really have free will? Who decides this? Are we controlled by what we hear and what we see, even while thinking we decide freely? Insider is a game that deals with these questions. While communicating to others, you have to find the right answers to a quiz or find the "insider" who is manipulating the discussion. The insider will do everything to hide their identity while misleading the others.   In more detail, players are assigned roles at random. One player is the "master", and they secretly select a word from a set given in a deck of cards. (In a variant given in the rulebook, they can freely select and write down a word.) The "insider" player, whose role is not known to the other players, will then secretly view the word. The rest of the players are known as "commons". The commons then have approximately five minutes in which to ask the master "yes" or "no"-type questions so that they can deduce the secret word. The insider attempts to secretly lead the commons towards the correct word. If the commons fail to guess the correct word, everyone loses.   If, however, the word is correctly guessed in the allowable time, the master flips the sand timer, and the commons and master have until the sand runs out to discuss the game and deduce the identity of the insider. If they guess correctly, they win the game together; if they do not, the insider wins.   Number of Players: 4-8
Playing Time: 15 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 9+

Insider Game Black

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $30.00
Reader Reward Price: $27.00

While aiming for the correct answer of the quiz that progresses in conversation, we find out the cunning insider who is operating the discussion behind the scenes.   Spicy elements are added to the insider game such as a difficult theme card, a new role "follower", a shorter hourglass, and an "NG question card" that makes it impossible to ask specific questions. You can play this package alone.   In addition, there is also a team battle rule for up to 11 players to play in conjunction with the previous game " Insider Game ". For those who want to enjoy more insider games!   Number of Players: 4-8 (up to 11 if combined with "Insider game")
Playing Time: 15 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 9+

Maskmen Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $29.00
Reader Reward Price: $26.10

Welcome to the world of Pro Wrestling! You must win at any cost or face the wrath of your sponsors. This year there are six new wrestlers debuting, so go out and win some matches!   Over the four seasons of maskmen, whoever has won the most points is the winner. In a round, players can play cards or pass on their turn. Players play 1-3 cards on their turn of the same type of wrestler (that hasn't already been played), to help resolve the strength of the wrestler. The faster you get rid of your cards, the better your chances of winning. As soon as you rid your cards you get to take the highest point token available, then the next player to go out gets the next token. Once there is only one player remaining, the round ends and that player gets the -1 token.   Number of Players: 2-6
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 9+

Moneybags Game

- Oink Games Inc

Games & Puzzles $50.00
Reader Reward Price: $45.00

In Moneybags, players try to have the most gold coins, with each player having their own bag filled with some number of brass coins. If you think you have the most coins, you might want to exit the round to keep them as others will try to transfer coins from your bag to theirs!   Number of Players: 3-6
Playing Time: 30 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 9+

This is a selection of our current Oink Games titles. To find other titles or authors, or just to browse, please use the search box.

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