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Susan A. Thompson -- Book Launch

Sunday Oct 02 2016 2:00 pm, Winnipeg, Grant Park in the Atrium
NOTE: This event has already taken place. Please visit this page to see our upcoming events.

Launch of His Her Worship: Moments in History, Moments in Time, an autobiography with Terry Létienne.

Elected in 1992, Susan A. Thompson was the first (and so far only) woman Mayor of Winnipeg.

Among other trailblazing achievements, she was the first woman to own her own family business, the first woman Rotarian in Manitoba, the first woman Consul General at the Canadian Consulate in Minneapolis, and the first woman and founding President and CEO of the University of Winnipeg Foundation. What motivated her to reach such formidable goals?

Take a glimpse into her early days as a business owner and the lessons she learned along the way. Find out what really happened at City Hall when the first woman mayor (it only took 118 years!) took office.

Susan takes the reader through the triumphs and the obstacles she faced as a pioneer in a male-oriented society. Find out firsthand how she led the city through such trying and unforgettable moments as winning the bid for the 1999 Pan Am Games, the loss of the Winnipeg Jets and the 1997 Flood of the Century.

Most recently, Susan was honoured with the Order of Manitoba and an Honourary Doctor of Laws from the University of Winnipeg. 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of her election as the first woman Mayor of Winnipeg.

To learn more about the book, you can visit Susan online.
