Saskatoon Nature Society Presents ... A Guide to Nature Viewing Sites in and Around Saskatoon, 3rd Edition (Reading and Presentation)
Wednesday May 18 2016 7:00 pm, Saskatoon, Travel AlcoveNOTE: This event has already taken place. Please visit this page to see our upcoming events.
Want to know more about nature on your doorstep? The Saskatoon Nature Society has just what you need. Explore Saskatoon’s parks and natural areas using the new third edition of our popular Guide to Nature Viewing Sites in and around Saskatoon.
Drawing from past editions and the knowledge of other Society members,
and have chosen 36 places that nature-lovers should know about. Each chapter includes background information about the site, and describes the vegetation and wildlife to be found there. Full-colour photographs illustrate each site and a few of its species. Clear directions, GPS coordinates, trail descriptions and a map of each site will help you find your way. Whether you are a long-time resident or a newcomer, if you love taking nature-breaks, or want to know where to start, this Guide is for you.More information to come...