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Reality Book Writing

Wednesday, Sep 05, 2007 at 4:17pm

Jon Evans, whose international thriller Night of Knives, will be published by Hodder & Stoughton this December, is running a peculiar type of contest that will influence the plot of his next book.

I have a storyline in mind, and I know much of it will take place in a troubled and exotic developing nation. But I don't yet know which one ... because I've decided to let my readers decide.

Based on the results of an online poll, Evans will fly off to do research in some region not recommended for travel and set his book there.

In addition to feeling pleased at having sent Evans off to some perilous locale, those who voted for the winner will be entered in a draw to win a signed hardcover copy of Invisible Armies.

Link to contest.

Categories: buzz, Fun, Contests and Giveaways

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