Prairie Fire Press & McNally Robinson Booksellers 2012 Writing Contests
Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 at 3:31pm
Three contests, $6,000 in cash prizes!
Bliss Carman Poetry Award
The poetry first prize is in part donated by the Banff Centre for the Arts, who will also award a jeweller-cast replica of poet Bliss Carman's silver and turquoise ring to the first-prize winner. (1-3 poems per entry, maximum 150 lines per entry)
Judge: Anne Simpson
Short Fiction
(one story per entry, maximum 10,000 words)
Judge: Marina Endicott
Creative Non-Fiction
(one article per entry, maximum 5,000 words)
Judge: Jake MacDonald
Contest Rules
Entry fee is $32 (per category). This entitles you or your designate to a one-year (4 issues) subscription to Prairie Fire. Make cheque or money order payable to Prairie Fire and enclose with your entry. You may also use all major credit cards.
Deadline for all contest entries: Postmarked November 30, 2012.
Do not identify yourself on your entry. Please enclose a cover letter with your name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail address, the title(s) of your piece(s), and word count (prose), or line count (poetry) along with your entry fee.
No faxed or e-mailed submissions, please.
Your entry must be typed on 8 1/2 x 11-inch white paper and the pages clipped, not stapled. Prose must be double-spaced.
Entries will not be returned. If you want to be informed of results, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope, or check our website at
Each piece must be original, unpublished, not submitted elsewhere for publication or broadcast, nor entered simultaneously in any other contest or competition.
You may enter as often as you like; only your first entry in each category will be eligible for a subscription.
Winning pieces will be published in Prairie Fire magazine, with authors paid for publication. First prize is $1,250, Second prize is $500, Third prize is $250, in all categories.
Send entries to:
Prairie Fire Press
423-100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 1H3
For more information check out our website at, call (204) 943-9066, or e-mail us at [email protected].