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Half-Minute Horrors Winners Announced!

Thursday, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:38am

McNally Robinson Booksellers is thrilled to announce the winning entries in our Half-Minute Horrors 30-second scary story contest! Competition was fierce, and with so many frightening and disturbing tales, our contest judge won't be sleeping with the lights off any time soon. Hearty congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to our judge, editor Susan Rich!

Winner, 14 and Under Category: Josie Spalla, age 13

How Do You Know?

How do you know if someone is watching you right now?

How do you know if that someone has a knife?

How do you know if that someone is behind the door nearest to you?

How do you know if that someone is behind you right now?

How do you know who that someone is?

How do you know if that someone will want to kill you?

How do you know when that someone will want to kill you?

How do you know if they will wait until you are sleeping?

How do you know if they will wait until you are awake?

How do you know if they will kill you after this last word?

How do you know?

You don't.

Runner-Up, 14 and Under Category: Madison Hein, age 11


(Based on a true story)

Hello my name is Clara. I consider myself a very sensible and logical girl....... until now.

It all happened when I went to visit my Aunt Josie in Vancouver.  We were both very happy to see each other.   However Aunt Josie was sad because her husband, Uncle Peter had died only 6 months ago. Uncle Peter loved playing golf so much that he and my Aunt decided to fly to Florida for a golfing vacation.  Tragedy struck when he suddenly died of a heart attack on the airplane. We were all very upset.

During my visit to Vancouver,  I spent time with my Aunt Josie in her cosy home.  However, one evening Aunt Josie  told me she was going out and that she wouldn't be home until later that night.  I was left alone in the house.

When night time came,  I went to bed and had just turned the light off.   I snuggled into my bed for not more than a minute when suddenly....... I heard a sound outside my door.... Footsteps walking in the hallway......  It went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth..... I thought I was going insane!!!!  I have never felt so scared in my life!  Who was that?  I put the covers over my head hoping the footsteps would go away.  "Please go away" I whispered.  My terror got worse.  The footsteps stopped outside of my bedroom door.  I could hear someone breathing slowly.  Just when I thought I couldn't stand it any longer, I heard the sound of keys in the front door.

Thank goodness Aunt Josie just came home. 

The next morning Aunt Josie asked me a very strange question..... "Did you have trouble sleeping last night Clara?  I heard you sleep walking".  I then replied "I don't sleep walk Aunt Josie."  She gave me a strange look.  I didn't tell her what happened the night before because I didn't want to scare her.  I was scared enough myself.

That evening I went to bed a little frightened.  

What made me more frightened was the sight of a dirty golf ball sitting on top of my white fluffy pillow.

I, Clara, do not consider myself  a very sensible and logical girl any more.

Winner, 15 and Over Category: Dafe Oputu, age 16

The Door

He was certain, quite certain, that it had not been there the last time. Yet there it was: a simple brown door in the hallway. Alex had only had the house for a couple of days and it was very large, but he would have noticed. Once, when he was alone in the evening as he often was, he had tried to open the door. He wasn't surprised to find that it was locked. Every time he passed, his curiosity grew until he could no longer bear it. What was inside? In his frustration he kicked it and cursed under his breath.

"What do you want"

Alex jumped away in shock. "What the hell? Who is this?"

There was no response for a while. Then, "I asked first."

"I want you to tell me what you're doing in my house!"

"Go away."

The next day Alex checked the ring of keys the previous owner had left him, and tried them all on the door. None of them worked. He tried talking to the voice behind the door again to no avail.

The first sign that something bizarre, not just weird but truly bizarre, was when he saw the door at work. Somehow he knew it was the exact same door. Trying not to draw attention to himself he walked over and knocked on the door.

"This doesn't make any sense," he whispered, "what the hell is going on?"

"Come in and find out jackass."

The door opened slightly. Hesitating, Alex thought about going in. Yet against his will, his feet marched forward into the unknown. He was seized with inexplicable fear. Behind him the door slammed shut with a terrifying finality. Outside everyone went about their business. They saw nothing but an inconspicuous wall.

Runner Up, 15 and Over Category: Acton Clarkin, age 17

1:06 AM

Mark heard the chime of the elevator bell, watched the thick steel doors slide open, and stepped inside the empty compartment. The white light from the ceiling, reflecting off the mirrored side panel of the elevator, serenaded him as he rubbed his tired eyes and reached into the pocket of his suit pants, looking for his cell phone.

"Shit," Mark mumbled to himself. He must have forgotten his phone in his car. Mark took his empty hand out of his pocket and clicked the open door button, before the elevator had a chance to go anywhere. The doors slowly re-opened, and he was once again staring out at the lower level of his condo's underground parking garage. Mark sighed before stepping off the elevator, and made his way to his black Lexus. He used the keyless entry feature to unlock the car, swung the driver's door open, and reached for his blackberry. He turned on the screen and looked at the time. It was 1:06 AM. The phone vibrated in his hand as he held it, indicating a text message. A puzzled look broke out across Mark's face as he read the words displayed on his phone. It said: "You look tired, Mark."

"What the hell," Mark said under his breath. He lifted his head, and used his eyes to scan the area of the parking garage in all directions. He saw no one, and heard nothing. With his heart rate increasing, Mark anxiously walked back towards the elevator he had occupied mere minutes ago.

"I'm just paranoid," Mark said to himself in a forced reassuring tone. "There?s no one here." Mark pressed the "up" button and heard the elevator bell chime once more. He again stepped inside and felt his anxiety lessen. He felt more relaxed in the bright lighting of the elevator. Before the doors could even begin to close, the lights in the elevator and garage flickered and shut off. Mark was temporarily blinded, unable to see his own hand in front of his face. There were no windows down at this level. He was submerged in complete and utter darkness. Mark was now breathing more heavily, and strained his ears listening for a sound, any sound. What he heard sent a cold shiver down his spine. Mark could hear the sound of a second person breathing, and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as a chilling, unfamiliar voice whispered into his ear.

"You look tired, Mark."

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