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Cut Games

Keep It 100 Game

- Cut Games

Games & Puzzles $38.50
Reader Reward Price: $34.65

Hundreds of surveys. 100 people each. How did people answer? You have to guess. Every time you’re right, your card is added to the line, making the next guess trickier.   Raise the stakes by betting points on whether the other players’ guesses are correct. Highly re-playable with tons of opportunities for future expansion.   Can you Keep it 100?   Number of Players: 2-8 Playing Time: 30-45 Minutes Recommended Ages: 17+

Humblebrag Game

- Cut Games

Games & Puzzles $24.00
Reader Reward Price: $21.60

The game of bluffs, boasts, and B.S.   How many Eastern European countries can you name in 60 seconds? More importantly, how many can you claim to know?   In Humblebrag players will boast and brag their way through a variety of diferent trivia topics, ranging from geography to literature to Simpsons characters in a game of one-upmanship.   Players take turns playing topic cards and declaring a bid of how many of that topic they can name. Other players must either play a new card and raise the bid, or call the previous player to fnd out if their bid was a bluf or a boast! This game is one part Trivial Pursuit, one part Bullsh*t, and all parts fun!   Number of Players: 3+ Playing Time: 30+ Minutes Recommended Ages: 13+

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