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April is Dummies Month

Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 6:12pm

And we're participating by taking 30% off all For Dummies books.

The For Dummies series covers a wide range of topics, everything from gardening to computers, creating art to filing taxes, learning a new language to learning how to cope with illness. If you're have trouble with something, there's probably a Dummies book to help.

And no, you don't have to be a dummy to pick up a Dummies book. The For Dummies series is great for giving simple and straightforward instructions as well as handy tips. The books take a no-nonsense approach and tell you exactly what you need to know, saving you time and effort ... and maybe preventing a headache or two.

Categories: buzz, Saskatoon, Winnipeg


Qwiklit's list of 15 Modern Classics You Should Read Right Now

Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:18pm has recently posted a list of novels that have "earned their eminence and moved a generation some believed was devoid of literacy." The titles are all amazing, award-winning books, and each certainly deserves to be called a modern classic.

While all of the titles can be considered modern classics, some of us booksellers at McNally Robinson can't help but wonder if there aren't other works by the same authors that would better fit the list.

Categories: Discussions, buzz, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Book Lists


Self-Published Book of the Month for March: 'Route 66: The Last Mile' by Mike Clarke

Wednesday, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:48pm

We are proud to announce that the Self-Published Book of the Month for March is Route 66: The Last Mile by Mike Clarke.

"Thirty plus years later, Todd Stiles and Buzz Murdoch are compelled, for reasons they don't understand, to complete their trip."

Route 66: The Last Mile is a thrilling novel about two men who return to an adventure that was never finished. Their story takes place on the infamous Route 66 across America, and protagonists Todd Stiles and Buzz Murdoch are determined to travel the legendary highway all the way to the end to see their dream fulfilled.

Categories: buzz, Winnipeg, EBM


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