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Louise Penny on CBC Scene

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:52am

Louise Penny has a feature article on CBC Scene, talking about her new book A Trick of the Light, A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel.

Louise will in our Grant Park store for the Winnipeg launch of A Trick of the Light Tuesday, September 27, 8:00 pm.

Categories: buzz, Winnipeg

Inheritance by Christopher Paolini Available for Pre-Order

Tuesday, Sep 13, 2011 at 12:47pm


Fans of Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle have been waiting seven long years to see how everything turns out. But fear not - the wait is almost over! Inheritance, the fourth and final book in the Inheritance Cycle, will finally venture into the wild on November 8, 2011. That's not even two months away!

If you can't wait to get your paws on Inheritance, you can pre-order it via phone, e-mail or come and visit the store. As a lucky bonus, Inheritance is also one of our 30% Off titles for November, so you get it for one low, easy payment of $19.59.

See you November 8th!

Categories: buzz, SciFi & Fantasy, New Releases

Highly Anticipated August Releases

Thursday, Aug 04, 2011 at 10:05am

This is our Head Book Buyer, Chris Hall's list of his three most anticipated releases for August. They are,

Childhood Under Siege, by Joel Bakan. Joel Bakan is the writer of The Corporation. Childhood Under Siege is a behind the scenes look at the widespread manipulation of children by profit-seeking corporations and of society's failure to protect them.

The Sense of an Ending, by Julian Barnes. Barnes is an old favourite who seems to be on the rise again with his last few books, particularly Pulse, his set of short stories released last spring.

Empty Family, by Colm Toibin. I read The Master a few years ago and found it to be too much Henry James. Unfortunately that made me write off Colm Toibin. I recently read Brooklyn though and now I know what the fuss is about. Empty Family is due out in paperback this month and I can now recommend Toibin enthusiastically.

Categories: Reviews, buzz, Staff Pick


An Interview with J.A. Pitts

Thursday, Jun 09, 2011 at 11:57am


I'm a sucker for Norse Mythology and Urban Fantasy. When I saw that J.A. Pitts' series starring blacksmith Sarah Beauhall fused the two together I became very interested indeed.

Black Blade Blues and its sequel, Honeyed Words both feature a fabulous cast of characters and a unique take on my favourite myth cycle, and I can't recommend the series highly enough. I was fortunate to meet J.A. Pitts at 2010's World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio and he was gracious enough to agree to answer some questions about his writing. Honeyed Words will be releasing July 5th, 2011.

Categories: Interview, buzz, SciFi & Fantasy, New Releases


We will read, Pottermore!

Thursday, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:07am

This morning, J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, announced the October launch of Pottermore will offer an interactive reading experience for fans of the series, as well as Harry-Potter-related merchandise and ebooks. Fans will be able to visit Diagon Alley, get their own wand and be sorted into a house. Rowling has also promised additional information about various characters that fans will be able to access on the site - for example, the story of how Petunia and Vernon Dursley met, and what Professor McGonagall did before she came to teach at Hogwarts. Rowling says she's written about 18,000 new words on our favourite witches and wizards, and she's not even finished yet!

Registration begins on July 31st - Harry's birthday - and a million lucky registrants will be able to access the site early. Don't forget to submit your e-mail now so you can get a reminder when registration opens!

For more information, see J.K. Rowling's announcement and the Leaky Cauldron for all up-to-date news regarding Pottermore.

Categories: buzz, SciFi & Fantasy, Publishing News
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