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The Man Booker Longlist 2007

Wednesday, Aug 08, 2007 at 4:15pm

That's right, the longlist for this year's Man Booker Prize, which rewards the best novel of the year written by a citizen of the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland, has been announced. With quite the collection of lesser known names, it promises to be an interesting battle.

Categories: Awards, buzz


Barry Shortlist Announced

Monday, Jul 23, 2007 at 12:38pm

Deadly Pleasures and Mystery News have announced the contenders for the fan-driven 2007 Barry Awards. The winners will be announced in late September.

Found via The Rap Sheet

Nominees after the jump

Categories: Awards, Mystery & Crime


Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Database Online

Thursday, Jul 12, 2007 at 9:09am

In an attempt to make information easier to find, Canadian SF promoter Marcel Gagne and author Robert J. Sawyer have created a collaborative SF Database in the form of a Wiki at: Canadian SF Works Database.

Categories: Awards, buzz, SciFi & Fantasy, websites


Young Venezuelan conductor Dudamel lands top job in L.A.

Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 9:28am

The Los Angeles Philharmonic has announced it's new musical director, Gustavo Dudamel, will take up the baton for the orchestra beginning in September 2009. The young Venezuelan conductor has been getting rave reviews for his performances and critical acclaim for his CD with the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra.

Read more at Gramaphone UK.

Categories: Awards, buzz, Music

Griffin '07: Charles Wright's Scar Tissue and Don McKay's Strike/Slip

Wednesday, Jun 06, 2007 at 10:36pm

The Canadian winner, McKay, and the International winner, Wright, have won the richest poetry prize in the world for a single volume of poetry. The two will share the C$100, 000 prize.

Categories: Awards


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