A Guided Journal to Help You Reconnect with the Power of Nature?and Yourself

Interact with nature--both inside your home and out--with this beautifully illustrated, inspirational, and interactive journal to help you reconnect with the great outdoors.
Contact with nature is good for our psychological and physical health and has been proven to reduce stress, restore attention fatigue, ease depression and anxiety, and foster creativity. Interacting with the outdoors can ground us, offer us a sense of security, deepen the roots of resilience, and enhance our sensory awareness that contributes to feeling fully alive.
Grounded is an interactive journal full of calming art, photography, and inspirational quotes, offering prompts and activities that deepen your experience with nature. Engaging all five senses, this guide journal encourages you to bring the outdoors in, including displaying a collection of found objects such as shells and rocks, creating a simple leaf press to preserve fallen leaves, and growing low-maintenance house plants and edible herbs that perfume the air. Whether you live in a city or a wide-open space, this journal is perfect for anyone looking to make the most of what the world has to offer.
About this Author
Dr. Patricia H. Hasbach is a licensed psychotherapist, consultant, author, and college educator. Dr. Hasbach specializes in managing anxiety and depression, as well as fostering health and wellness. She has published numerous articles and is an author and coeditor of two MIT Press books, including Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. As one of the media's go-to ecotherapists, she and her work have appeared in numerous outlets including Time, Vogue, Outside Magazine, the Utne Reader, The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, and Sierra Magazine. She lives with her husband and two dogs on the McKenzie River in Eugene, Oregon.
"Patricia Hasbach has invested the time and care over her career to now harvest well-crafted ingredients and applications, to prepare and distill them to their essence; a guide, which allows for meaningful and reciprocally rewarding nature experiences. Answering distress calls from Rachel Carson to the Lorax, the activities and meditations throughout this book offer you, the participant in life, a chance to explore and re-engage in being fully human--that is, a part of, and not separate from, nature. Follow along, discover with interest and awe the expansion of your ecological self, and breathe it in deeply. This is a self-study course in nature connection, facilitated by one of ecotherapy's leading voices and practitioners, and a real treat to follow! Well done, Patricia."
--Nevin J. Harper, PhD, RCC, professor at the University of Victoria, coauthor of Nature-Based Therapy, and co-editor of Outdoor Therapies
"Pat Hasbach is one of America's--and the world's--leading voices in ecopsychology. Her prescriptions here, delivered with kindness, are as ancient as they are new, and filled with the spirit of rebirth."
--Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, Vitamin N, and Our Wild Calling
"What a beautiful and wonderful book! Ecotherapist Dr. Patricia Hasbach gifts us with a lovely treasure trove of doable daily practices to help us include essential nature connection activities in our everyday lives. Flip it open to a fresh page each morning, and awaken your senses to intimate, embodied awareness of our oneness with Earth and the cosmos."
--Linda Buzzell, coeditor of Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind
"As I read Patricia Hasbach's Grounded, I thought, 'What if the ideas in Grounded became standard procedure for all legislators? What if they were required to spend as much time outside watching clouds as in dark wood-lined rooms; what if they all had plants on their desks, small altars made from meaningful natural objects? Imagine if they only met lobbyists outside while sitting around a fire. The result? Only life-affirming decisions.' As Hasbach points out, these ideas have been around for our entire evolutionary history. I daresay our ability to thrive in the future is proportional to the number of people--legislators and otherwise--who incorporate into their lives the habits outlined in Grounded."
--Brooke Williams, author of Mary Jane Wild: Two Walks & a Rant
"Dr. Hasbach's gorgeous, easy-to-use journal helps all of us--no matter where we are--connect with the beauty and solace of nature and deepen our sense of calm, open-hearted belonging."
--Mary DeMocker, author of The Parents' Guide to Climate Revolution
"[A] rad new mindfulness journal."
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