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The God Chasers

"My Soul Follows Hard After Thee"

November 1, 1998 | Trade paperback
ISBN: 9780768420166
Reader Reward Price: $21.14 info
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What is a God chaser? A God chaser is an individual whose hunger exceeds his reach. A God chaser is a person whose passion for God's presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch him. A child chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. The pursuer becomes the captive; the pursued the captor. Paul put it this way: I chase after that I may catch that which has apprehended me (Phil. 3:12). Job was a God chaser. He said, Oh, that I knew where I might find Him! David was one; he said, My soul followeth hard after Thee. Paul was one too: That I may know Him... The passionate paths of God chasers can be traced across the pages history from Moses the stutterer, David the singer, and Paul the itinerant preacher, to contemporaries like A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, and countless others who share one common bond: an insatiable hunger to know their Lord. These are people whose relentless, passionate pursuit of Christ often made them appear foolish in the eyes of others. Yet, having tasted His goodness and glimpsed the invisible, they could be satisfied with nothing less. Add your name to the list...become a God chaser. Who knows? You might be one whom He catches.

About this Author

ISBN: 9780768420166
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 152
Publisher: Destiny Image Incorporated
Published: 1998-11-01


'This book will light a living flame in your heart for the presence of God. Tommy Tenney opens his heart in a transparent cry for the Body of Christ to come into fresh relationship with their Savior. I must warn you, this is a dangerous book. If you are comfortable and complacent and want to stay that way, don't even open its pages!'-Cindy Jacobs, Co-founderGenerals of Intercession 'God chasing is not a series of sprints. It goes the distance. Tommy Tenney shares his single-minded pursuit with the honesty of a disciple who is caught at last by His holy presence. Tommy will never be the same, nor will we who read and heed The God Chasers.'-Jane Hansen, PresidentAglow International, Edmonds, Washington 'Every now and again a book appears on the shelves of Christian bookstores that has the potential to kill everyone who reads it. The God Chasers is not for the fainthearted but for those who, in the pursuit of God, are willing to die in the process. Tommy Tenney is such a man, continually dying in pursuit of God's presence. A life-changing read!'-Ken GottRevival Now!, Sunderland, United Kingdom 'This book by Pastor Tommy Tenney will impact your life. I can completely identify with his message. It is a call to leave behind the average and the religiosity that walks without enthusiasm behind the Lord, to be a true pursuer of God-one who fights and is strengthened by reaching God and grasping His presence in a daily and constant way. The men and women whom God has used throughout history had different backgrounds and cultures, but He gave them all the same passion to know God and to walk with Him. Many years ago, my Christian life and my ministry were absolutely transformed by understanding this truth. If you long to live in a new spiritual stage of your life, if you want to raise yourself out of the shallow Christian routine to reach God in His present power and glory, without a doubt, this book is for you.'-Claudio Freidzon, PastorKing of Kings Church, Buenos Aires, Argentina 'Are you a God chaser? Or is He chasing you? In Tommy Tenney's book The God Chasers, he provides immense help and insight for those dissatisfied with their level of devotion to Christ and their usefulness to others. Using biblical and contemporary heroes and heroines, this book will help sharpen the focus of every reader to embrace his or her destiny. We are living in momentous times; opportunities for the gospel abound. Only those chasing after God, His Word, and His Spirit will embrace that destiny. We either watch history or make it. Tommy Tenney's book will help us make some history at home, in the workplace, in society at large, and, for a few, in a national or international ministry.'-Gerald Coates, Speaker, Author, BroadcasterEsher, Surrey, England ' 'But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks' (Jn. 4:23 NAS). Tommy Tenney is a minister of the Holy Spirit and a demonstrator of God's power. Your eyes will tear and your heart beat with hunger as you join him in hot pursuit of the manifest presence of God.'-Bob Weiner, FounderWeiner Ministries Int. and Maranatha Publications 'If you are looking for a 'Charismatic thrill' or instant 'fix,' you will not find them in this book. But if you will absorb this material, catch Tommy's spirit, and 'seek God's face,' you will be thrilled with the ultimate results. You will see the real Tommy Tenney emerge in The God Chasers. He defines much of the present 'Church system' as 'religiousbut empty.' He says, 'You can be God's child and not have His favor,' and you instantly cry out in repentance, determined to have the favor of God on your life. The greatest thing I can tell you about this book is this: If you read it and give your attention to it, you will develop a hunger for God, and this hunger will start you on the road to glorious fulfillment. Why? Because if we hunger and thirst, we will be filledwith righteousness, with God! Read these pages and become a God chaser!'-Charles Green, PastorFaith Church, New Orleans, Louisiana 'This book must be read by every Christian leader or anyone who wants to be a leader. It is a revelation of where God is taking the Church in the twenty-first century. Changes must begin immediately. Priorities must be in proper spiritual ordernew paradigms for the new millennium. God must be enthroned, the center, the absolute object of our whole life. 'Tommy Tenney has captured the heartbeat of God concerning His plans and purposes and His desire for intimacy so He can empower those who enthrone Him. If this book is put into practice, it will result in both personal revival and corporate revival in all the churches of the world, and millions will be saved.'-Dr. Emanuele Cannistraci, Senior Pastor/ApostleEvangel Christian Fellowship, San Jose, California 'It has been said that desperate days demand desperate measures. These times are not for those who seek a casual saunter toward God. The God Chasers are the order of the day. Jacob did not have time to build a bridge. Instead he availed himself of a midnight crossing, feeling his way along in pursuit of God. His wrestling match there at Jabbok changed his name, and changed him forever. We are living in a day that may culturally enjoy church as usual, but is screaming for a life-changing encounter with God. The journey and the apprehending must be personal. This book points you in the right direction. I commend my son, Tommy, and this book that matches the times.'-T.F. Tenney 'What Tommy writes in these pages, he lives every day. Not only is the heart of a man expressed in the pages of The God Chasers, but the heart of God is also expressed through the man. Tommy, in real life, every day, is a bona fide God chaser. May hearts be stirred to hunger and may they be overwhelmed with His love like never before as they read this much-needed book.'-Rev. Bart Pierce, Senior PastorRock Church, Baltimore, Maryland 'There is a dimension beyond the anointing. When Aaron was anointed to be priest, he immediately turned and went into the presence of God and did not return for seven days. The anointing had prepared him to enter the glory realm. 'This is where I sense God is leading His people today. The focus of much recent teaching in the Church has been on the anointing. Now it is shifting to the glory of His presence.'The God Chasers touches something deep within you as you read it. You find yourself being drawn to that dimension where Christ is calling us to enter-beyond the veil into His manifest presence.'-Richard Heard, Senior PastorChristian Tabernacle, Houston, Texas 'If someone was going to tell me how to find Godapprehend Godplease Godenjoy Godand be changed by Him, I'd want it to be someone for whom it was a passionate and fruitful life quest. I have found that in Tommy Tenney, the man, and am grateful that he has given us a true blueprint for it in The God Chasers.'-Dr. Ch Ahn, Senior PastorHarvest Rock Church, Pasadena, California 'Tommy Tenney's testimony and writing can inspire your prayer life instantly-it did mine! There are some Christians who live their lives in cycles, experiencing both tremendous anointing and tremendous hunger for God. The God Chasers will challenge you to be one of them. If you dare to read it with an open heart, it will change your life.'-Rev. Sergio Scataglini, Senior PastorPuerta del Cielo (Door of Heaven Church), La Plata,Argentina 'I have known Tommy Tenney all of my life, but when God tagged him, Tommy's ministry, life, and personality changed. If you do not want this Millennium change, then put this book down. I promise that you have never read anything like it. If you don't put this book down, you will become a chaser after God's real presence.'-Stephan K. Munsey, PastorFamily Christian Center, Griffith, Indiana 'I first met Tommy Tenney almost four years ago at a pastor's conference in Beaumont, Texas. He was hungry for God-I recognized the look. It was the same one I had before going to Toronto a few months earlier. We prayed together, and didn't see each other for about two years. When I saw him again, he had found God in a very profound way-so much so that just listening to him appealed to something so deeply imbedded in our spirits that we were almost instantly in the presence of the One whom this man had been 'chasing.' This book will stir you to your deepest depths, and remind you of the original reason you first loved Him so much.'-Joseph L. Garlington, PastorCovenant Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 'I have been reading Tommy's book. I am alone in this room, but I am visibly shaken! I am caught up in the desire to know Him. I have been with Tommy and have witnessed his hunger for the Lord. I am challenged by his passion for His presence. Tommy's life has been life-changing to me. I will yet see God's glory. He is moving in our midst today. Read this book! Read it slowly! Become a God chaser!'-Don Finto, PastorBelmont Church, Nashville, Tennessee 'This is a marvelous book on the wonderful danger of knowing God. The God Chasers is exciting, intense, unsettling, and challenging. Tommy holds no punches as he pleads with us to become desperate and determined in our pursuit of God.'-Ted Haggard, Senior PastorNew Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado 'Through biblical examples and personal testimonies, Tommy Tenney exposes the deep ache that all true worshipers have-a longing for the very presence of God Himself. An 'average' or mediocre relationship with the Lord will not do; we must have more of the Spirit of God!'--Larry Stockstill, PastorBethany World Prayer Center 'I challenge every minister of the gospel to take two days alone with God and this book. Allow it to birth a 'cry' within you-not for the latest spiritual 'fad,' but for God Himself. Tommy Tenney deals with the Church's most crucial need: a fresh visitation of God's presence. Read it and pass it on.'--David RavenhillAuthor of For God's Sake Grow Up! 'This book by Tommy Tenney is truly a passionate and motivating message for the Church. Its theme is simple: that we might seek the face of God and His glory. In a variety of ways, using Scripture and illustrations, Rev. Tenney seeks to open our eyes to what he sees: a life lived in the presence of the Spirit; a life of transforming power; a life of delighting in Him, Jesus the Messiah! Why would we be denied or accept anything less than the promise so well reflected in this book?'-Daniel Juster, Th.D.Director, Tikkun Ministries

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