How to Hear God
A Simple Guide for Normal People

You were created to enjoy a real, conversational relationship with God.
The Bible says that hearing the voice of our Creator is both central and natural to our existence as humans.
- When life falls apart, we need God's comfort.
- In moments of cultural turmoil, we need his clarity.
- Facing difficult decisions, we need his guidance.
- Desiring a deeper faith, we need God to say something, anything, to turn the monologue we call prayer into a genuine conversation.
But how do we really hear God?
Nothing could possibly matter more than learning to discern his authentic voice, and yet few things in life are more susceptible to delusion, deception, and downright abuse.
Having addressed God's silence in God on Mute, and then How to Pray in his previous bestseller, Pete Greig is back to bring wisdom and guidance to one of the most pressing and perplexing aspects of universal Christian experience--How to Hear God.
Exploring the story of Christ's playful, poignant conversation on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection, Pete draws deeply from the insights of a wide range of Christian traditions; weaving together the evangelical emphasis on hearing God in the Bible, and the charismatic commitment to hearing God in the prophetic, with the contemplative understanding of God's "still, small voice" within.
"Pete transcends the Christian tribalism of our day... rooting us in something far more ancient, unchanging, timeless. What the early Christians called the Way. This ancient form of Christianity is the antidote to much of the modern church's pain. The cure for our ills." --John Mark Comer
About this Author
'A lot of people say God has told them something, but then you hear what it is, and it sounds more like a message from the devil. Other folks who don't even believe in God seem to have a word of truth for today. Well, here is a book by someone you can trust. Pete Greig has been a friend for years, and he is one of the wisest people I know when it comes to prayer. This book draws from the well of wisdom that has nourished the faithful for centuries. It is filled with voices of saints who have been not only people of prayer but people who get up off their knees and put feet on those prayers. This incredible book is a call to prayer and a call to action . . . which is exactly what our world needs right now.'
'Among the many church leaders I have known, Pete Greig stands out for his humility, openness to learning, and love for the whole of the body of Christ. I wholeheartedly join him in affirming that there is no greater adventure than intimate, ongoing conversation with God. Whoever you are, this is a wonder to which you are personally invited. Join Pete in this exploration of what it means to seek God's voice with all that you are--in Scripture, in tradition, in solitude, and in the precious communion of saints who stand with you throughout the whole of the earth.'
'Don't we all want to hear from God? How much easier our lives would be if we could hear his voice and follow his direction. I love Pete's writing because it is easy to understand. The simple way he handles difficult subjects in How to Hear God makes this book compelling. If you really want to grow on this journey of hearing God, here is the book that will help you grow immensely.'
'Everything Pete Greig writes lights a fire in me. This book gripped me and awakened something in me. I found myself praying differently and listening to God differently, with more expectation and the willingness to step out in faith and risk feeling foolish. Pete takes what could be a daunting or confusing subject and disarms our defenses and dismantles our excuses with hilarious stories, down-to-earth examples, and simple practices. Every page will inspire your imagination, inviting you to believe that hearing from God truly is for everyone.'
'God is not silent. However, often we are too busy to hear his voice. How to Hear God is a biblically based, historically illustrated look at the various ways in which God speaks. In reading and reflecting on its message, I have become a better listener. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a more intimate relationship with God.'
'Hearing the voice of God is essential to all our lives--and Pete Greig is an ideal guide. As the founder of 24-7 Prayer, Pete is a legend in the world of prayer. He also writes beautifully. I am so excited he has written this book.'
'I love the subtitle of this book: a simple guide for normal people. That's what Pete Greig is always good at--taking a deeply profound and mysterious subject like prayer and inviting us into it in such a beautifully ordinary way. His teaching here is a wonderful mix of the everyday and the eternal--and therefore such a powerful and helpful read. So good!'
'In a world of noise and distraction, the people of God have an urgent need to learn to hear and be attentive to the voice of God. In this brilliant book, Pete unpacks the different ways we can grow in listening to God. If, like us, you long to better hear God speak in your everyday living, this is the book for you!'
'Pete Greig has given us another masterpiece. Wise and winsome, profound yet playful, How to Hear God is the book we need. From the wild charismatics to the monkish contemplatives, there is a feast here for all. A hundred years from now, this book will remain a crucial resource on the journey of faith.'
'Pete Greig has given us both a practical and profound book on how to connect more deeply with God. I believe it will enrich the lives of many people. I highly commend it to you.'
'Pete never fails to make my soul tremble with the good news of God's presence and guidance and invitation to pray. This book is sweet and salty--a perfect spiritual snack of deep spiritual truths with real-life wisdom and brevity. It's made me thirsty for living water, which is exactly the intent. I pray you will get this book, read it, and then get ten more to give to your friends. It will change lives.'
'The most common question I am asked as a pastor is 'How do I hear God?' I'm so thankful that my friend Pete Grieg has tackled this important topic. All of us have been designed to hear and discern the whispers of God, and when we do, our lives are forever richer.'
'Trying to hear God can seem like a mysterious quest, and we can feel a bit lost and discouraged. At those times, we need some help, and Pete has given us some great guidance. Rooted in Scripture and filled with the experiences of many who have gone before us, this book shows that God really does speak to us and gives us some clear paths to hear him when he does.'
'We have spent over twenty years teaching young people how to hear the voice of God. We wish we would have had this book the whole time--it would have made our jobs much easier! This is the most inspiring, empowering, and exhaustive book we have read on hearing God's voice. This book doesn't just fill your head with information but also will cause your heart to burn with inspiration. You could give this book to a brand-new believer, and they would be immediately empowered to hear God's voice. Or you could give it to a believer who has walked with God for many years, and they would be inspired and challenged to hear him in an even deeper way. The body of Christ has needed this book for very long time.'
'When generals speak, soldiers listen! While Pete won't like me saying this about him (humility will cause him to recoil), every generation has generals of the faith that command the church's attention. Not necessarily because they shout and orate with passion and skill but because the fruit of their lives and ministries demands that we listen. Pete is such a leader, and the truth contained in his book answers one of the most common questions: How do you hear God? Pete has the answer.'
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